Settling in for the 2019-2020 Winter
Post date: Dec 12, 2019 6:52:32 PM
As the Winter Solstice quickly approaches, it's time to think about what projects can be accomplished before the Spring thaw. Winter is a great time to work on building projects, such as all of those kits you've accumulated in your closet. It's also offers an opportunity to try your hand at scratch building a structure. There's a wealth of information on the Internet to help with projects. YouTube is fantastic for finding how-to videos on almost every aspect of this great hobby.
Winter is also perfect for our club to continue to work on our modules. Finishing up scenery (or in some cases, starting scenery work), fixing the gremlins that inevitable reveal themselves at the train shows. NSNG will be displaying our modules and running trains in early March at the TCA in Denver. Please come to the show and chat with us.
For me, I'm committed to cleaning out my train room of all the boxes of stuff we've kept through the decades. I hope to really get going on building benchwork and laying track. This has been a goal since we finished our basement almost 10 years ago, but work life has kept me busy and unmotivated to start building the model railroad. I'll continue to blog about my progress as much as possible. I've also got unfinished projects on my bench that have been sitting for too long. There are so many, I have less then 1 sq ft of space to work with. Not ideal by any means.
That's all for now. Talk to you next time! Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!!